In the land of Rohan, nestled amidst rolling green hills, lay the ancient city of Edoras. Its grand halls and mighty walls had long stood as a testament to the strength and valor of the Rohirrim, the horse lords. But as with all places touched by time, whispers of a dark past lingered within its hidden corners.
It was a moonlit night, when the sky shimmered with silver stars, that a small band of Uruk-hai orcs ventured forth from their hideout in the Misty Mountains.
Once upon a time, in the peaceful land of the Shire, a darkness began to creep into the hearts of its inhabitants. Strange tales of haunted places and eerie occurrences spread like wildfire through the hobbit holes and taverns. Whispers of malevolent spirits and shadowy figures haunted the minds of the usually cheerful hobbits, casting a gloom over their once idyllic land.
The Shire, known for its rolling hills, lush meadows, and cozy homes, had become a place of unease.