Arkham Horror Lives Up to It's Name

Last night the wife and I were able to give Arkham Horror our first attempt, and I have to say, this game lives up to it’s name.

I love how each Location , Other World , and Mythos card all have a small story to add to the game.

For example, one of the Mythos cards we drew was a Headline . This headline read much like a newspaper article and described how more murders by a particular killer ( I forgot the murders name ) have popped up in one of the city districts, until caught ( success die roll ) he murders one ally from our A lly deck until all allies have murdered.

This was merely one card story which added to the depth of the game we played, and I loved it! It added a depth which most games do not offer, I felt I really needed to safe those citizens!

In the end however, the wife and I lost the game, though it did give us a much better understanding of the mechanics, and we had a fantastic time. Next play Arkham will be saved, you can count on it!

Photo Jan 14, 8 35 37 PM