Raspberry Pi Weather Station
Well it’s been a little over two week and the
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
weather station has held up; figured now would be a good time to go a little deeper into the setup.
has been solid in ingesting my JSON documents periodically, lets have a look at it’s
# cat /etc/telegraf/telegraf.d/sensor_tag.conf
command = "cat /sensor_tag.json"
data_format = "json"
name_suffix = "_sensor_tag"
interval = "60s"
This telegraf configuration inserts the output of /sensor_tag.json every 60 seconds into InfluxDB.
In order to keep the JSON document up to date I have cron executing a python script every 60 seconds:
# crontab -l | grep sensor
* * * * * /root/sensor_tag.py A0:??:??:??:??:??
sensor_tag.py is a slightly modified version of my SensorTag code on Github .