Reverse Engineering a Binary 1

DISCLAIMER Through this paper I am not encouraging people to hack, destroy or steal anything, you must comply with laws and you shall take entire responsibility if you use this knowledge for bad behavior. With great power comes great responsibilities. Reverse engineering is not always legal, check EULA/laws in your country. THE CODE In this paper we are going to go over the reverse engineering of a simple compiled C++ binary, if you look below I have included the source code.

Reverse Engineering a Binary 2

DISCLAIMER Through this paper I am not encouraging people to hack, destroy or steal anything, you must comply with laws and you shall take entire responsibility if you use this knowledge for bad behavior. With great power comes great responsibilities. Reverse engineering is not always legal, check EULA/laws in your country. THE CODE In this example we have a bit more complicated program which assigns two integers to varibles then performs a multiplication on them to get our code :